our programs
AT ENDURANCE Martial Arts we offer a number of programs within our Taekwondo class options. These programs are geared towards helping our Taekwondo students get the most out of their journey with us.
Student Life Skills Programs
These programs are designed to help build confidence, leadership and help each students develop life skills that will help them become a more focused and independent person.
Toddlers & Mini Kickers
Within our Toddlers and Mini Kickers classes we have developed the Mini Master system which allows kids to start working through a grading system heavily based on life skills with a strong emphasis on Focus, Determination, Confidence and Endurance.
Juniors & Cadets
We offer a Bully Proof class which specifically looks at Self Defence for kids and scenarios for dealing with aggressive behaviour.
We offer a Leadership program for our Juniors and Cadets to become involved in which will help them learn how to teach others and set examples for behaviour throughout the classes.
Our adult classes
We offer a Women's Self Defence course throughout the year which aims at all different scenarios you could face and how to defence yourself from an attack. From weapons to stand up to ground defence we cover all areas.
Competition Specific Training Programs
Our Taekwondo Competition programs look at separating the competition side of Taekwondo into specific programs that can be joined if the student would like to gain further experience and understanding through these classes.
Competition is available for both Sparring and Poomsae (Patterns)